Monday, December 29, 2008

10 Weeks to a Longer Golf Drive #7

By now you are kicking ass and taking names! In about 3 weeks you will be ready to hit some birdies and eagles!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

How to Break 80 Golf Instruction Program

Hey guys I just came across this great product that could really help you lower your golf score. It's packed with killer tips and great content. As an avid golfer myself, I am always looking to add some distance and accuracy to my swing.
==>Check It Out!

10 Weeks to a Longer Golf Drive #6

Friday, December 19, 2008

What Are the Biggest Fitness Questions of A Serious Golfer?

I need help!!! I want you to help me. i want to know what are some of the most pressing questions you have when it comes to golf fitness, exercises, nutrition, injuries, soreness or anything else golf performance related.

I hope you all are enjoying my "10 Weeks to a Longer Drive" video series! Please comment and leave some feedback!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

10 Weeks To A Longer Drive #5

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Want customized golf fitness training?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Great Book

"Lack of freedom and mobility in the golf swing is almost always destructive"-Nick Bradley "7 Laws of the Golf Swing".

Sunday, December 7, 2008

10 Weeks To A Longer Drive #4

This week we begin to add explosive movement and more resisted core training.

Friday, December 5, 2008

What Is the Most Important Exercise For Golf?

I received this question the other day from a potential client that I was assessing. This is extremely hard to answer, and I am sure that every golf fitness professional will have a different answer. So what is my answer? Well I have two actually:

  1. The most important strength exercise is the deadlift. Why? It reinforces posture and strengthens the back and hip muscles. It builds power in all the right muscles used it the golf swing. It coordinates the body like no other exercise out there.
  1. The most important mobility exercise is the 90/90 stretch. This stretch promotes shoulder turn and stretches the external hip rotators. It opens up the pectorals and promotes shoulder blade retraction. This position, as you will notice, is very similar to the length of the muscles in the golf swing.

This made me think...I want everyone who reads this blog to comment on everything I say...and please ask me some questions. I love answering questions especially when they serve a purpose or make me re-evaluate my philosophy!!!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Week #3 Workout Video

Here is week #3 of the "10 Weeks To a Longer Drive" program. We begin to introduce more coordination based exercise, and using the kinetic (or movement) chain more extensively.