Sunday, February 8, 2009

10 Weeks to a Longer Golf Drive #9

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

OK That Didn't Go Well

So I was supposed to launch the Smarter Golf: Preseason Performance Training Manual this past Friday. Well we had some minor complications with the site.

Sooooo....we were not able to launch on time. My sincere apologies.

In fact I am so sorry that I will be offering an even bigger discount to the first 50 people. And I will tell you right now what it is. The first 50 people to buy the book on it's new release date of Monday, February 16, 2009 will get the book for $17 including all 5 bonuses!

Stay tuned....$17!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

10 Weeks to a Longer Golf Drive #8

The Smarter Golf: Preseason Golf Performance Manual will be released Friday, January 30th, 2009. The first 50 people that order will get a huge discount that I will announce ONLY HERE ON WEDNESDAY.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Get Your Body and Your Swing Ready

In just one week I am releasing the only manual you will need to have your best season EVER! That's right Friday, January 30th, 2009 you will have the greatest New Years gift a golfer could get.

The SmarterGolf: Preseason Golf Performance Training Manual will go live for purchase! And not only will get a killer discount ($20 off!) but you will get over 50 bonuses!

Yep that's right...over 50!

Free reports, manuals, secrets, and tons of exercise videos!

Stay tuned because as soon as I launch the book, the clock starts ticking until I pull my "Grand Launch" discount off the web, possibly forever!


For information on becoming an affiliate and making some great money email info (at)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Why do the pros train?

Golf fitness is getting more and more accepted as a necessity and not just a luxury. Virtually every top golf pro on the tour has their own trainer that helps them stay in peak physical conditioning in the off-season and might even travel with them to events.

Amateur golfers are starting to tag along to the idea that strength and flexibility training will help them drop their handicap and crush their playing partners score.

There is no room for ignorance these days when it comes to gaining an edge in a sport that is measured by millimeters.

A sound exercise routine will help your body operate at a high performance and injury free throughout the season.

Great news for those of you that don't want or can't afford your own personal trainer! In about 1 week I am launching a completely digital golf fitness program called Smartergolf: Pre-season Golf Performance Training, that outlines everything you need to know to get golf ready by the spring!

Check back in the next couple days and I'll let you in on a very limited time offer.

John Timmerman C.S.C.S

P.S. I hope you like free stuff!

Monday, December 29, 2008

10 Weeks to a Longer Golf Drive #7

By now you are kicking ass and taking names! In about 3 weeks you will be ready to hit some birdies and eagles!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

How to Break 80 Golf Instruction Program

Hey guys I just came across this great product that could really help you lower your golf score. It's packed with killer tips and great content. As an avid golfer myself, I am always looking to add some distance and accuracy to my swing.
==>Check It Out!

10 Weeks to a Longer Golf Drive #6

Friday, December 19, 2008

What Are the Biggest Fitness Questions of A Serious Golfer?

I need help!!! I want you to help me. i want to know what are some of the most pressing questions you have when it comes to golf fitness, exercises, nutrition, injuries, soreness or anything else golf performance related.

I hope you all are enjoying my "10 Weeks to a Longer Drive" video series! Please comment and leave some feedback!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

10 Weeks To A Longer Drive #5

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Want customized golf fitness training?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Great Book

"Lack of freedom and mobility in the golf swing is almost always destructive"-Nick Bradley "7 Laws of the Golf Swing".

Sunday, December 7, 2008

10 Weeks To A Longer Drive #4

This week we begin to add explosive movement and more resisted core training.

Friday, December 5, 2008

What Is the Most Important Exercise For Golf?

I received this question the other day from a potential client that I was assessing. This is extremely hard to answer, and I am sure that every golf fitness professional will have a different answer. So what is my answer? Well I have two actually:

  1. The most important strength exercise is the deadlift. Why? It reinforces posture and strengthens the back and hip muscles. It builds power in all the right muscles used it the golf swing. It coordinates the body like no other exercise out there.
  1. The most important mobility exercise is the 90/90 stretch. This stretch promotes shoulder turn and stretches the external hip rotators. It opens up the pectorals and promotes shoulder blade retraction. This position, as you will notice, is very similar to the length of the muscles in the golf swing.

This made me think...I want everyone who reads this blog to comment on everything I say...and please ask me some questions. I love answering questions especially when they serve a purpose or make me re-evaluate my philosophy!!!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Week #3 Workout Video

Here is week #3 of the "10 Weeks To a Longer Drive" program. We begin to introduce more coordination based exercise, and using the kinetic (or movement) chain more extensively.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

How To Stretch For a Big Swing

It is very important to maintain proper muscle length. The best way to maintain muscle length is to stretch. There are two types of stretching: 1) static flexibility- holding a stretch for a specified length of time to increase muscle length, 2) dynamic mobility- stretching through movement through a full range of motion to increase muscle mobility. Together they are effective at increasing muscle flexibility and mobility. Now what is the difference between muscle flexibility and mobility?

  • Flexibility is the length to which a muscle can be stretched and held, while mobility is the length that a muscle can be stretched during movement.

Ideally, in golf, a muscle should have both flexibility and mobility, but mobility takes precedent because this is where injury often happens. If a muscle does not have proper mobility, extreme movements (i.e. the golf swing) stretch the muscle beyond its current level of mobility. Dynamic stretching is best performed prior to activity and effectively prepares the body for activity by exciting the nervous system. Static stretching is best performed post-exercise and enhances recovery following activity by desensitizing the nervous system. Using both of these types of stretching will help you keep your muscles long and make you golf movements more powerful.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Week #2 Workout Video

Here is week #2 of the "10 Weeks To a Longer Drive" program. More exercises, good song, and another step toward A MONSTER DRIVE!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Improving Muscle Tissue Quality: Part II

By improving the quality of the tissue that moves limbs and joints, the body can move through a proper range of motion, thereby reducing the onset of pain. In addition, with the added range of motion comes more stiffness in the muscle and more potential energy.

Now I know you’re probably saying “isn’t stiff muscle injury prone?” The answer is : No. Tight or shortened muscles are bad. Stiff muscles are powerful and strong. A stiff muscle can store a ton of energy while being stretched through a full range of motion, and use that energy to shorten the muscle with a powerful contraction. In other words that muscle is like a really thick and strong rubber band. For this rubber band to maintain function, though, it must steer clear of scar tissue, muscle adhesion, and collagen breakdown. The most effective way to do this is with massage. Manual massage by a professional massage therapist is best, but often expensive. The next best resource (and a whole lot cheaper) is with a foam roller.

Foam rollers come in different densities and sizes. Softer rollers are better for beginners because they do not disrupt the tissue as much and are more bearable. A more dense foam roller is more painful but it is also more effective for releasing the bound up tissue, thereby allowing recovery to happen more readily.

For great self massage tools check out the PB Elite Foam Rollers.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Improve Muscle Tissue Quality: Part I

The muscle in your body is much like a rubber band. Some are thick and strong, others are thin and weak. When in good health, it stretches and recoils. Now, let’s say that rubber band is broken and the ends are reattached with a piece of string. Now when that rubber band is stretched, it will be stretched everywhere except for where the string is. Now when a muscle is strained, whether slight micro tears or a full blown tear, it develops scar tissue. This scar tissue becomes much harder, like the string, and does not move freely. That scar tissue restricts movement, causing large amounts of strain on the surrounding muscles and joints, often causing further injury and pain.

Monday, November 17, 2008

10 Weeks To A Longer Drive! Week #1

Follow me as I give you a new workout every week to help increase your drive by Spring 2009! Workouts will focus on flexibility, mobility, strength and power. Each week we will progress to more difficult and golf specific exercises. So lets get to it!